Sample Data
Diver sample counts for reef fish species. To download, select a region and year then click download. Available as comma-separated values files (csv) in uncompressed form or compressed zip files (reccommended).
- PRIMARY_SAMPLE_UNIT: A code indicating the primary sample unit in which a sample was collected.
- YEAR: A number indicating the calendar year.
- MONTH: A number indicating the month of the year.
- DAY: A number indicating the day of the month (EST).
- STATION_NR: A number indicating the secondary sampling unit within a given primary sample unit.
- LAT_DEGREES: Latitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees.
- LON_DEGREES: Longitude of secondary sampling unit in decimal degrees.
- DEPTH: Average depth, in meters, of secondary sampling unit.
- UNDERWATER_VISIBILITY: Visibility, in meters, at secondary sampling unit.
- MAPGRID_NR: A number indicating the primary sample unit.
- HABITAT_CD: A code indicating the habitat type.
- ZONE_NR: A code indicating the distance offshore: 1 - Inshore, 2 - Midchannel, 3 - Offshore, 4 - Fore-reef.
- SUBREGION_NR: A number indicating the subregion.
- MPA_NR: A number identifying the marine protected area in which the sample was collected. Zero indicates unprotected status.
- SPECIES_NR: A number indicating the species for a sample.
- SPECIES_CD: A code indicating the species for a sample. Consists of the first three letters of the generic name and the first four of the specific name.
- LEN: The length, in cm, of a sample.
- NUM: The number of individuals of a given species and length observed in a secondary sampling unit.
- TIME_SEEN: A number indicating when, during sampling, an individual was observed. 1: In the first five minutes, 2: From 5-10 minutes, 3: After 10 minutes.
- DEPTH_STRAT: A code indicating depth stratum
- ADMIN: A code indicating administrative zone
- PROT: A boolean value indicating whether a sample was in a protected area (1), or not (0).
- STRAT: A code indicating the stratum in which a sample was taken. Differs by region.
- REGION: A code indicating the region in which a sample was taken.
- DRY TORT----Dry Tortugas
- FLA KEYS----Florida Keys
- SEFCRI------Southeast Peninsular Florida
- PRICO-------Puerto Rico
- STTSTJ------St. Thomas and St. John
- STX---------St. Croix
- FGBNMS------Flower Gardens Bank National Marine Sanctuary